Biblical Health and Healing by Richard C. Nickels "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Psalm 103:2-3. Distributed by: Giving & Sharing Acknowledgments I praise the Eternal for the precious Truth He has revealed. I appreciate the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, who helped me understand many Biblical Truths, including the Bible instructions regarding health and healing. Thanks to our printer, George Johnson, and our proofreaders, who wish to remain anonymous. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" John 10:10 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" III John 2 "But He was wounded for our transgressons, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed" Isaiah 53:5 NOT TO BE SOLD. For a free copy of this book, one per family, please write: Giving & Sharing c/o Johnson Graphics P.O. Box 317 Decatur, Michigan 49045 We welcome your contributions to cover the cost of this book. Giving & Sharing is an activity of Sharing & Giving, Inc., a USA tax exempt religious service. COPYRIGHT 1993 by Giving & Sharing. Permission granted to copy this material, provided it is given away freely and not altered in meaning. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Introduction v Health From the Biblical Viewpoint 1 Annointing the Sick for Healing: Who? What? Why? How? 11 What is the Gift of Healing? 17 God Does Heal --Today! 23 Clean and Unclean Meats 29 Should Christians Be Vaccinated? 75 Whole Grain Breads, and Proven Whole Grain Recipes 83 A Time to Be Born -- Naturally 97 Be Ye Clean 109 Review: Confessions of a Medical Heretic 111 Review: Back to Eden 113 Review: None of These Diseases 116 The Attack Against Healing and Health 117 Topical Index 137 Additional Literature 138 Summary Health From the Biblical Viewpoint (Study No. 18) There are many scriptures which lay the framework for Biblical Health. Anointing the Sick for Healing: Who? What? Why? How? (Study No. 23) A detailed analysis of James 5:14-16 shows that we have much to learn about the Almighty's healing power. What is the Gift of Healing? (Study No. 115) The gift of healing has been abused by some modern "faith healers." Is it always God's will to heal? Why does God allow sickness? God Does Heal -- Today! A review of the 1952 Herbert W. Armstrong booklet, "Does God Heal Today?" shows that the doctrine of divine healing is part of the Gospel commission. We "break bread" at Passover to symbolize our faith in Christ's body, beaten for our healing. Clean and Unclean Meats This 46-page article is a comprehensive study of the Bible teaching about clean and unclean meats. The Law of Clean and Unclean is NOT just a principle of good health, but a vital part of the Ten Commandments. Should Christians Be Vaccinated? (Study No. 72) Vaccines are made from unclean substances and Christians should not be vaccinated. We should trust YHVH as our healer. Whole Grain Breads: Proven Recipes, by Shirley Nickels These are natural recipes we actually use. If you haven't eaten Shirley's delicious whole wheat Sabbath waffles, you haven't lived! A Time to Be Born--Naturally (Study No. 77) We went through a tremendous trial during the birth of our daughter Amanda. The Bible has many scriptures regarding childbirth. Natural childbirth and breast feeding are God's way for having children. Be Ye Clean (Study No. 91) Being clean involves more than just washing one's hands before meals. God wants us to be clean from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Reviews:Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Back to Eden, and None of These Diseases Dr. Robert Mendelsohn warns us to stay away from doctors, operations, hospitals and vaccinations except under extreme emergencies. Natural doctor Jethro Kloss wrote the encyclopedia on herbal remedies. Dr. S.I. McMillen shows that scientific evidence supports Bible Health Laws. The Attack Against Healing and Health Our review of anti-healing material by Ernest Martin, David L. Antion, Herbert W. Armstrong, Joseph W. Tkach, and Church of God, The Eternal, counters their subtle attacks on faith healing among God's people. The doctrine of healing is critical because it requires the faith of God, which is necessary for salvation. Biblical Health and Healing INTRODUCTION Our Bible Studies are written to share and preserve Biblical Truths, address problems in the Church, counteract doctrinal errors proclaimed by others, and inspire the brethren, especially our family and friends. I owe a tremendous debt to others for everything I have learned. Most articles we publish are the work of more than one person. These Studies have "bled" with red ink marks several times! Our miscellaneous Bible Studies have been published in our book, Bible Studies. Over the years, we have emphasized several major topics, which have been published separately. These include: Biblical Holy Days, Biblical Law, Biblical Doctrine, Biblical Marriage and Family, Biblical Health and Healing, Church History, Basic Bible Study Tools, Book Reviews and What Should We Be Doing? Revised and expanded editions of these and others are being planned. As we write additional articles, they will be included in the next update. This publication includes articles on the subject of Divine Healing and Bible Laws of Health. I strive to live by God's Laws of Health, but know that at times I fall miserably short of the mark. Nevertheless, the subject of Health and Healing is a very important Bible subject. I have been condemned to hell fire by at least one prominent minister. The audacity of a lay member writing religious articles! However, I cannot but write what is in my heart, as I want to share what I have learned with others. Let God be the Judge. I pray that the Eternal will use this small effort for Him, for His glory, and that He will forgive me of any unintentional errors contained therein. Read, and enjoy, always remembering to put into practice what you have learned. I have concluded individual articles with the Greek Omega symbol,ê. -- written by Richard C. Nickels, Vancouver, Washington Health From the Biblical Viewpoint How does the Bible view health, and what principles does it contain for healthy living? It is certainly the Eternal's purpose for us to be healthy, III John 2. But many today, even those who claim to be true believers, abuse their bodies. Others become "health food fanatics," existing on a profuse amount of vitamin pills and organic supplements. What is the true Biblical approach to health? This article is written for those who truly want to obey the Eternal's laws. Surprisingly, the Bible gives a few remedies for sickness. Primarily, it lays out a way of life, which, if followed, will prevent diseases. Bible Remedies Strong drink is prescribed for those ready to perish: "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more," Proverbs 31:6-7. "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities," I Timothy 5:23. Isaiah made a fig poultice to alleviate a deadly boil on King Hezekiah, II Kings 20:1-7. A Healing Ministry Healing definitely belongs to the Almighty God our Healer, Exodus 15:26, Jeremiah 30:17, 33:6. He promises freedom from disease for those who diligently obey all His statutes. His servants who are sent to teach the word, also have a healing ministry to perform. The Levites were guardians of the general health of the Israelites, Leviticus 13. The Levites had to be without blemish and in good health, Leviticus 21:9-11, 16-24. The people knew that priests and prophets, not doctors, were to be consulted when illness did occur, I Kings 14:1-5 (Ahijah), I Kings 17:17-24 (Elijah), and II Kings 4:18-35 (Elisha). Our Savior performed many works of healing in His public ministry, even using natural substances as Isaiah did, John 9:1-7. Healing and teaching the laws of health are a vital part of the Great Commission to the true disciples in every age, Mark 16:15-18. Luke was called the "beloved physician," Colossians 4:14, indicating that he was noted for a healing ministry. Obedience is the Key to Health Some people believe health foods and/or vitamins are the key to health. Others would say herbs; still others a special exercise, or even foot massaging. These, of themselves may indeed have much value, but the real key to health is often overlooked: obedience to the Eternal. We are promised good health for obedience to all of God's laws, Exodus 15:26, Deuteronomy 28:1-14. The cursing for disobedience is bad health and sickness, Deuteronomy 28:15-62. Obeying all the laws of the Almighty is the only way to health and happiness. Biblical Laws of Health There are many direct Bible laws of health. Plus, there are many clear principles relating to our health. We should follow them all. Here are some of the direct Biblical Laws of Health: (1) The primary Biblical law of health is ignored or neglected by many professed believers. It lays the foundation for every other Biblical principle relating to the care of the human body. Simply stated, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, given to us by the Almighty, and is not our own to do with as we please. Our Savior paid a great price to buy us as His own. Therefore, we ought to glorify the Almighty in our body and spirit, I Corinthians 6:19-20. Every part of our body should be used for the glory of the Eternal! (2) The law of clean and unclean flesh foods is another major Biblical health law. Certain animals, birds, fish and other creatures were never created to be eaten. Noah knew about clean and unclean animals, Genesis 7:1-3. The laws of clean and unclean in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14:1-20 were not just laws for Israel, but have been in effect for all mankind at all times. We are not to eat unclean foods, but are to be a Holy people. (3) Other things not to be eaten include: (a) anything that dies of itself, Deuteronomy 14:21, (b) a kid in his mother's milk, Deuteronomy 14:21, Exodus 23:19, (c) blood or improperly bled animals, Leviticus 17:10-16, (d) fat, Leviticus 3:17. (4) Moderation in food and drink. We are not to be drunkards and gluttons; Proverbs 23:20-21, 25:16. Most people in affluent societies eat and drink too much. Scientific evidence has proven that overweight increases mortality from diabetes, digestive diseases, and coronary disease. Most authorities agree that overeating and underactivity cause 95% of obesity. (5) Ask the Lord to heal you if you become sick, James 5:14-15. Your faith in the power of the Almighty, and His promises to heal you, makes you whole, Matthew 9:20-22. (6) Maintain a truly joyful spirit. This can only be done by producing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, living by every word of the Eternal, Matthew 4:4. See also Proverbs 17:22, 14:30, 4:20-22. (7) Be an active person. This means a lot of physical work, which may include exercise and sports. Proverbs 6:6-11, 10:4-5, 12:11, 20:13, 19:15, 14:23, and I Timothy 4:7-8. (8) Obtain proper sleep and rest. Exodus 20:8-11 is a health law as well as a spiritual law. He gives His beloved sleep, Psalms 4:8, 127:1-2, Ecclesiastes 5:12. (9) Eat food grown in good soil organically. Try to obtain or grow your own high-quality food. Luke 13:6-9, Proverbs 28:19, Deuteronomy 14:22-23, and many other statutes of the Eternal show that Biblical laws are based on God's ideal, agricultural, society. In today's industrial age, it is difficult to get into harmony with the Eternal's ways, but we ought to do the best we can, with His help. (10) Keep your body clean, and fast occasionally, for both spiritual and physical health. Isaiah 52:11, II Corinthians 7:1, and I John 3:3 refer both to physical and spiritual cleanliness. Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness. Fasting is a way to cleanse your body internally, Isaiah 58:6-8. Balm of Gilead (which can be obtained today) is a digestive cleanser, Jeremiah 8:22. Bathing in running water is a Biblical prescription for cleanliness, Leviticus 15:13, II Kings 5:10. Proper Perspective on Food Reading I Corinthians 6:9-20 from the Living Bible translation, we see that we should not do anything that isn't good for us, whether or not the Bible expressly forbids it. Even if allowed to eat something, we should not do so if we cannot control how much we eat. The Almighty has given us an appetite for food, and stomachs to digest it. That doesn't mean we should eat too much, or something that is harmful. An example is smoking. The Bible doesn't say, "Thou shalt not smoke." However, scientific evidence has proven the harmful effects of smoking. It is a sin to ingest things harmful to the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Smoking is something that brings us into bondage, and many find it almost impossible to quit. Smoking is a sin and those in bondage to it need the Almighty's help to be released from its addictive power. Other examples are coffee, tea, and soda pop. America's annual consumption of soft drinks is 37.5 gallons per person, up 175% over 1960. There is no direct Bible prohibition here. However, coffee, tea and many soft drinks contain habit-forming caffeine, a poison used by African pygmies on the tips of their spears to kill animals. Carbonated beverages tend to destroy kidney cells and allow the leakage of blood through them, destroying the body's natural cleansing method. Decaffeinated coffee is not entirely free of poisons either. Tea is worse than coffee, containing tannic acid, used for dying leather. Chocolate and cocoa contain caffeine and theobromine, and have been linked to intestinal cancer. Carob is a good substitute for cocoa. If we really grasp the meaning of I Corinthians 6:19-20, then these statistics will move us to action, instead of neglect. Some will say, "Oh, well! Everything is bad for us to some extent, so why get so picky?" They may even use Mark 7:14-23 or Romans 14:17 to justify a casual disregard for what they eat. The proper perspective on food and drink is expressly stated in I Corinthians 10:31, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Everything we do will be judged by the Eternal. Let us wholeheartedly serve Him in all things. Food and drink are not as important as love and mercy, but they are important. Living Water Two-thirds of our body is water. Nothing is more vital to one's health than good pure water. Natural spring or well water is a blessing from the Eternal. So much of the world is sick due to impure water. Waterborne diseases plague the poorer nations. Man-made pollutants added or dumped into water systems are responsible for untold death and misery. If at all possible, avoid impure water. Chlorine and fluoride additives to water destroy pipes, making plumbers rich. Think what they do to your body! The Bible says to drink waters out of your own cistern, Proverbs 5:15-18. It is best to make sure your water is pure. Get it from your own well, spring, distill it, or at least put a filter on your tap if your water has a lot of pollutants. Safeguard your water supply, drink plenty of living waters, Song of Solomon 4:15. Avoid Unclean Foods -- Read the Label! It is amazing the casual attitude that some professed believers have about eating unclean meat products. One person was told that the vitamin supplement she was giving her child had "fish oil" on the label of ingredients, and that the odds were great that this meant "shark oil" rather than "cod liver oil." She did not seem at all concerned. If we profess to live by every word of the Eternal, and believe Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 apply to us, then let us be honest. Otherwise, why bother? It takes diligence to obey the Eternal. Let's not play "Russian roulette" with our food intake. Read the label, know what you are eating. When it says "made from animal shortening and/or vegetable shortening (lard or soya oil)," don't eat it. Otherwise, you will not only be breaking one health law, but two, that of not eating pork and fat, Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14:1-20, and Leviticus 3:17. Does all of this mean that when we are at someone's house or in a restaurant that we should make a spectacle of ourselves? Of course not! There is a way of being very discreet and finding out quietly what to avoid. Mexican or Chinese foods often contain unclean products, so one must be careful with these items. At a friend's home, simply avoid anything questionable, or in the case of close friends, tell them very politely about your beliefs when you are invited. That way, you won't feel apprehensive and unable to enjoy yourself. If you find it has something unclean in it, simply avoid it and don't make an issue out of it. Some may point to I Timothy 4:1-5, "every creature . . . is sanctified by the word of God and prayer," and I Corinthians 10:23-31, ". . . whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake. . ." to try to prove that we should not carefully examine what we ingest. After all, in public it may be a little embarrassing. Please read Romans 1:16. It is easy to do this in quiet good taste without causing a scene, if a person really wants to obey the Eternal. When we pray for the blessing of food, we do not sanctify something that is impure or unclean. We come before the Eternal giving thanks for the good food He has given us. We must have done our part to insure that it is healthy and nutritious or our prayer is meaningless. We ask the Almighty to do what we cannot do: to bestow His blessing and remove impurities that we are unaware of or cannot do anything about. The topic of I Corinthians 10:23-33 and 8:1-13, is not clean and unclean meats, but meat offered to idols. So it will take diligence for a true believer to insure that his diet is free of unclean foods. In all cases, we must not offend others who do not have the same knowledge that we do, I Corinthians 8:7, 13. Peter was able to say, "I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean," Acts 10:14. Daniel refused to defile himself with the King's meat and drink, Daniel 1:8. Ezekiel said that from his youth he had not polluted his soul with anything that died of itself, or was torn in pieces, or abominable flesh, Ezekiel 4:14. How about us? Can we say this? Those who eat swine's flesh and abominable things pretend to be holy, but are headed to destruction, Isaiah 65:1-5, 66:16-18. This scripture points out the fact that a physical law can certainly have spiritual consequences. We need to be careful how we conduct ourselves! The Bread of Life Bread is the staff of life, Leviticus 26:26, Ezekiel 4:16-17. Yet so many Sabbath-keepers have not even grasped the fact that wholesome bread is the basic part of our diet, the foundation of good health. Bread strengthens man's heart, Psalms 104:15. Today's white bread, with its chemicals and preservatives, is robbing people of life-giving strength and polluting their bodies. Eating 100% whole wheat bread is not a fad for "health food nuts." It is a return to the Biblical laws of health. However, to do anything right doesn't come easy! It takes work to produce a quality product. It costs more to buy wholesome bread (and less to buy white bread). The best way is to make your own. Make sure that your flour is freshly ground, for it loses nutrition unless made into bread fairly soon. Dough must be kneaded well to bring out the gluten so the bread will have the proper consistency and not crumble. A flour mill is a basic tool one should have, whether an inexpensive hand stone mill (which takes a lot of work), or an electric stone grinder or an electronic crusher type such as the Magic Mill. An electric bread kneader such as the Bosch (also made by the Magic Mill Corporation) helps one to make professional quality breads, gluten, noodles, peanut butter, ground beef and much more, with its many attachments. It is sad that professing believers will think nothing of buying a nice car, a TV set, and yet refuse to buy basic kitchen tools for making wholesome products in the home. Ask your local Health Food Store for information on a good unit. We recommend the Magic Mill grinder and Bosch bread kneader. Write to: Magic Mill Corporation, 1911 South 3850 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 USA. Wheat, rye, millet, and other grains can be milled and combined to produce nutritious, delicious products. Some people say that they don't like the taste of wholesome food. Our very taste buds have in many cases become perverted. If you have the will to obey the Eternal, it is amazing how He can change our tastes, our thoughts, our every action. Sugar or Honey? The evils of sugar have been publicized so widely that there is no need to elaborate on this fact here. Refined white, or even raw sugar, is not a food but a harmful substance to the body. It is a drug that temporarily gives a person a boost because it stimulates the adrenal glands, which causes the pancreas to secrete insulin. Then the blood sugar drops too low so the liver has to convert its stored glycerine into glucose. When this is used up, there is a let down (called by doctors the "sugar blues") and another shot of sugar is needed. The Bible shows us the proper sweetener to use: honey. We are even told to eat it; especially the honeycomb, Proverbs 24:13, but only in moderation, Proverbs 25:16, 27. When one uses honey instead of sugar, he will need less sweetener So, let us obey the Bible. Eat honey. Make sure it is raw honey, if possible, which has not been refined or heated. Some other natural sweeteners such as maple syrup are also very good. Ground dates can also be used as a sweetener instead of sugar or honey. Herbs For Man's Service Green growing things have been created for man's health. We do not have instructions from the Almighty telling us which plants to avoid and which to eat. Some herbs are poisonous. We must learn the uses of plants, and which of them to avoid. The Creator placed Adam and Eve in a garden and told them to dress it and keep it. He said that He has given us every herb bearing seed and every tree with fruit bearing seed to be our food, Genesis 1:29-31. Further instruction must have come at that time, but it is not recorded in the Bible. At the time of Noah, the Almighty specified that clean animals were also for our food, Genesis 9:1-4 compared with Genesis 7:2. "Herbs" are the foundation of man's diet. Meat, milk and honey are often accessories. Cereal grains are a good basic herb (plant bearing seed). Just as grass was made for cattle, so herbs were made for the service of man, Psalms 104:14, 15. Oils, such as those made from olives, sunflowers and corn, make our faces shine in health. The life-giving herbs mentioned in the Bible are not the quick fed, artificially fertilized, sprayed, processed and packaged vegetables that are eaten by our modern "civilization." They are the crops grown on healthy soil, eaten raw or lightly steamed, properly processed, if at all. Biblical herbs are also the plants that one gathers from the mountains, Proverbs 27:25. Most people today are either too busy or too lazy to gather crops from the countryside, or plant their own, Proverbs 10:5. Consumption of commercially processed fruit and vegetables has gone up in the United States while the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit has gone down. The unconcerned person pays to let someone else make a profit off an inferior product, rather than gather his own food. As we sow in our bodies, so shall we reap. Milk and Cheese When our Savior described the land of promise, He called it a land flowing with milk and honey. The Bible uses this phrase seventeen times to describe a land of plenty and good things. Our society has an aversion for these good foods. The way most people eat, our country could be described as a land of soda pop and candy. Milk has been replaced with carbonated drinks as the chief beverage for children. An adult is sometimes considered strange if he drinks milk. Dairy farmers continue to go out of business because of lack of demand for their products. The milk that is available is mostly pasteurized and/or homogenized, which robs it of vital nutrients and has been linked with heart trouble. Most milk sold comes from Holstein cows, which is of inferior quality. What does the Bible say about milk and milk products? It mentions butter made from cows' milk, milk of sheep, Deuteronomy 32:14. Goat's milk is especially prized, Proverbs 27:26-27. Milk is a very mild substance, as opposed to meat, I Peter 2:2, I Corinthians 3:2, Hebrews 5:12-13. This brings us to a controversial subject, that of eating milk and meat together. Exodus 23:19, 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21 tell us not to seethe a kid in his mother's milk. This could mean not to eat a kid (of a goat) that is still nursing its mother. This is probably the true meaning, for in Genesis 18:8 we find that Abraham took butter and milk and a calf to feed the Eternal. The Bible shows that cows' milk is made into butter, Isaiah 7:21-22, or cheese, II Samuel 17:29, I Samuel 17:18. Goats' milk has unusual properties, making it easy to digest, even curing some stomach ulcers. Cheese from cows' milk is quite often made from pork rennet, so be sure of what you are getting. Is milk only for children? Not according to the Bible, which is written from the Middle Eastern point of view. As Peloubet's Bible Dictionary (article "milk") says, "as an article of diet, milk holds a more important position in eastern countries than with us. It is not a mere adjunct in cookery, or restricted to the use of the young . . . but beyond this it is regarded as a substantial food adapted alike to all ages and classes." Drink the Pure Blood of the Grape A great number of medical and religious authorities decry the use of alcohol. Some, however, point out the benefits of drinking wine with meals, as a healthful digestive aid and nutritional food. The Bible is not silent on this topic. Drunkenness is condemned, but right use of wine and even strong drink is not only recommended -- it is commanded! See our article on "Drink the Pure Blood of the Grape," which shows that wine, not grape juice, is to be used for the annual Christian Passover. Our Savior lived a pure, clean and sinless life. He would not destroy His own brain cells, or anyone else's. He drank wine, and even changed water into wine. The Apostle Paul, who taught us in I Corinthians 6:19-20, to glorify the Almighty with our bodies, prescribed wine to Timothy for a stomach ailment, I Timothy 5:23. Notice, he said a little wine. There is a right use of wine. Wine is a blessing from the Eternal for keeping His laws, Deuteronomy 14:22-26. Again as is so often the case, man perverts what the Eternal gives as a blessing. Instead of naturally fermented wine, most alcohol is made artificially with the aid of chemicals, such as formaldehyde. The quantity consumed is often excessive. Wine as a health-giving beverage is especially important for the elderly. It has a blessing associated with it, if used properly. Scientific research has shown that 1-2 drinks of the proper kind per day are beneficial to health and will lengthen life, whereas 3-4 or more drinks per day are detrimental to health. (One drink = 1.5 ounces. of liquor, or 8 ounces beer, or 6 ounces wine. Source: Center for Consumer Health Education.) Wine helps us to be joyful, Psalms 104:14-15. Use it properly. Fasting to Loose the Bonds of Sin There is certainly a tie between the physical and the spiritual. Nowhere is this tie more clearly seen than with fasting, a physical (and spiritual) act that should produce a spiritual (and physical) benefit. At times, we drift away from the Eternal and His ways. Unrepented sins and poisonous thoughts get the upper hand and lead us to spiritual sickness. The Almighty doesn't hear our prayers because of our sins, Isaiah 59:1-2. So likewise, bodily poisons, from sinful eating habits or wrong thoughts, can build up and make us physically sick. A Biblical prescription in both cases is fasting. Primarily, fasting has a spiritual purpose. It should loose the bands of wickedness and draw us closer to the Eternal; undoing the heavy burdens of sin, and making us aware of the needs of the poor, Isaiah 58:1-7. It has both a spiritual and physical blessing. Done the right way, the Eternal says, "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily . . . . Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer . . .", Isaiah 58:8-12. Keeping the Sabbath Holy The above passage continues (verses 13-14) to give another key to health: keeping the Sabbath holy. In this world of turmoil, nervous tension, and striving to make a living, we need a haven of rest. The Sabbath can be a time of spiritual and physical rejuvenation so we can be recharged and ready to tackle the responsibility of life for the next week. Properly kept, the Sabbath is essential to your spiritual and physical health. Other Biblical Health Principles This article is not intended to be medical textbook, nor a health food book of do's and don'ts. We hope that all who seek to obey the Eternal will look to the Bible as the foundation of all knowledge, and follow its guiding principles. The Bible is a way of life, that affects what we do, say, think, wear, and eat. In religion, as well as in health, we have seen some who exhibit initial enthusiasm but soon lapse into their old ways. Like the seed that fell on stony ground, they joyfully begin to follow Biblical laws of health, but when difficulty or other adverse conditions come, they give it all up. Living by the Bible, including its laws of health, is not a game, but a lifetime vocation. Everyone of us needs improvement in our physical and spiritual life. Diligence and continual effort are required. Look to the Bible for guidelines. The Bible discusses foods such as cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic (Numbers 11:5), ingredients such as myrrh, aloe, and spices, and so much more. Use these Bible foods and substances. Learn more about your body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Treat it with respect. Teach others to do the same. The Almighty Yahweh, our Healer, is, and always has been, concerned about our health. Read Revelation 22:1-5 and prepare now for the time when the Messiah arises (returns to rule the earth) with healing in His wings, Malachi 4:2. Follow the Biblical laws of health now, and for all eternity, verses 3-6. Recommended Reading None of These Diseases, by Dr. S.I. McMillen. Proof of Biblical health principles. Vaccination Condemned, by E. McBean. Protect your children from dangerous vaccines. Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss. America's best-known health book, describing the proper use of nature's herbs. The Natural Childbirth Book, by Milburn & Smith. Have your baby God's way. Feasting Naturally, by Mary Pickard. Over 300 excellent natural recipes. Wheat for Man Cookbook, by V. Rosenvall. For 35 years a classic! Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. How to guard against harmful effects of doctors, drugs, hospitals. Your Keys to Radiant Health, by William Dankenbring. Wonderful World of Honey by Joe Parkhill.ê Anointing the Sick for Healing: Who? What? Why? How? We need to understand James 5:14-16. This is an instruction for us to follow when we are sick. We believe in faith healing, rather than resorting to doctors. Who are the elders of the church that we should go to when we are sick? What exactly should they do? Do they have to have the gift of healing in order to anoint with oil? How is this anointing to be done? What is the meaning of this ceremony? For what are we to be anointed? Should we be anointed for any little scratch, or only when a life is in danger? What about anointed cloths? Is this practice scriptural? Who is authorized to do this today? Is Any Sick Among You? The Greek word for "sick" in James 5:14 is astheneo. This and several related words seem to generally describe sickness, weakness or physical infirmities. The Savior laid hands on those who were sick with different diseases, and healed all that were brought to Him, Luke 4:40. Preaching the message of the Almighty's Kingdom and healing the sick went hand in hand, Luke 9:2, and Matthew 10:8. There are lingering chronic sicknesses, John 5:5. At times astheneo seems to indicate merely our physical limitations, or physical afflictions imposed upon us by others, Hebrews 4:15, 5:2; II Corinthians 10:10, 13:4; and I Peter 3:7. At other times, it is clearly shown to be a sickness unto death, Luke 7:2, 10; John 4:46-47, 11:1-6; Acts 9:37, and Philippians 2:26-27. So, the sick among us can be for a variety of causes and degrees: from sickness unto death, to physical weaknesses and limitations. Being sick refers to times when one cannot carry out his daily routine. Let Him Call For the Elders of the Church Here the practice of some is clearly found to be in error. It says "the elders," plural. And let them (not him) pray over the sick one. So these verses are showing that the church should have more than one elder, and that they should be contacted when one is sick and wishes to be healed. What is an elder? Some have said that this merely means any older church member. Is this so? The Greek word for "elder" in James 5:14 is presbuteros, used 67 times in the New Testament. Of these, 32 times refers to the Jewish elders (the 70) of the Sanhedren, or rulers of synagogues, a religious office. Twelve times this word refers to the twenty-four elders in heaven, who are certainly in a high religious office. This leaves seventeen times where presbuteros refers to elders of the church: Acts 11:30, 20:17, 28, 21:18; I Timothy 5:17-19, I Peter 5:1-5, II John 1, and III John 1, who were apostles or worked closely with the apostles, Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 22, 23, 16:4, and were ordained in every church, Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5. Only five times does presbuteros refer to an older person (not in the context of the church), Luke 15:25, John 8:9, Acts 2:17, and I Timothy 5:1, 2. So the usage of the word presbuteros in Scripture proves that a presbuteros of the church (ecclesia) is generally a mature man ordained to an office of religious service, NOT just any older church member. Only those ordained as elders have the responsibility to anoint. This is the general rule. It doesn't say to call upon those with the gift of healing. The gift of healing, I Corinthians 12:9, 30, is not something that everyone has. Peter had the gift; people were healed by his shadow. Certainly, the Savior had the gift of healing. Nevertheless, even He, at least on one occasion, could not heal many because of their unbelief, Matthew 13:58, Mark 6:5-6. Those who had the gift of exceptional healings performed healing miracles other than through normal anointing with oil. One does not have to have the gift of healing to anoint, but he does have to be an ordained elder. And Let Them Pray Over Him If possible, more than one church elder should pray over the one that is sick. What does it mean to pray over someone? The sick would have to be kneeling or laying down so the elders could be "over" him. Why? So the elders could, at the same time, lay hands on the sick. They pray with hands laid over the sick one. Our Savior laid hands on the sick, Mark 6:5, and Luke 4:40, including the woman that had an infirmity eighteen years, Luke 13:11-13. The disciples were instructed in the Great Commission to "lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover," Mark 16:15-18. Even though James 5:14 does not mention laying on of hands, the New Testament example indicates that such is to be done. Prayer and laying on of hands is done after baptism for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. This is a type of anointing. Compare Acts 2:38, 8:17, with I John 2:20, 27, and John 16:13. So likewise, prayer and laying on of hands accompanies anointing of the sick, in order to ask for the forgiveness of physical sins. With the one, we receive a spiritual anointing; with the other, a physical anointing. In both, it is the perfect sacrifice of our Savior that makes spiritual and physical salvation possible. It is our faith in that sacrifice that makes the difference, James 5:15, Romans 3:23-25. Anointing Him With Oil The Bible speaks here a little, there a little. Mark 16:18 says the disciples were to lay hands on the sick, but says nothing about praying and anointing with oil. James 5:14 says to pray over and anoint the sick with oil, but says nothing about laying on of hands. The total truth is the sum of all scriptures on the subject. Mark 6:7 shows that the disciples were sent out to preach two by two. They anointed with oil many that were sick, and they were healed. This is a practice that true believers continue to follow. Anointing with oil signifies setting apart for holy use. The Savior is the Messiah (Hebrew word for anointed one), the Christ (Greek for anointed one), anointed with the Spirit (oil) of gladness, Isaiah 61:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-9. Being anointed with oil, we are free from being bound in sickness and sin. This is the good news of salvation. Anointing the sick for their healing goes hand-in-hand with the gospel (good news). Once anointed, we are to go forth in newness of life, happy instead of brokenhearted, loosed from Satan's prison of this life of sorrows. We are now anointed ones as the Messiah is. With our elder brother, we join the Almighty's family. What a wonderful, holy ceremony! Woe be to those who take it lightly. The Levitical priesthood used a holy anointing oil made primarily of olive oil, Exodus 30:22-33. Therefore, it would be good to use pure olive oil for anointing, if at all possible. What does it mean to anoint? In one denomination, ministers have a little vial, and during the prayer pour a drop on the head of the sick, laying their hands on his head. Sometimes, they would put a little oil on a finger and wipe it acros the forehead of the sick person, not actually pouring it as such. I am not bringing up a picky point for the sake of argument, but this isn't what the scripture intends. (I am not denigrating their sincerity nor the fact that healings have resulted from use of one drop.) Moses took the anointing oil and poured it upon Aaron's head, Exodus 29:6-7, 30:25, 30 and Psalms 133:1-3. The Hebrew word for anoint here is mashach meaning "to rub with oil, to paint, to consecrate." This is the root word of Messiah, "the anointed one." One that is anointed doesn't just have a drop on his head. The Greek word anoint (in James 5:14) is alipho which means "to oil or grease," such as to oil one's hair, Matthew 6:17, rub ointment on, Luke 7:38, 46, or anointing a whole body, Mark 16:1. Everywhere, anointing means a profuse amount of oil. In the Name of the Lord, Amen The prayer for the sick is to close using our master's name, Yahshua (Jesus). We are to do all things in His name, by His authority. He promises to answer the prayer of faith, using His name, John 14:13-14. And the Prayer of Faith Shall Save the Sick "And the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him," James 5:15. Just as sinners need to be saved (forgiven of their spiritual sins by the blood of the Savior), so the sick need to be saved (forgiven of their physical sins by the body of the True Passover Lamb, the Messiah). It is only the prayer of faith that will be answered, James 1:2-7, Romans 4:16-25, and Hebrews 11:6. The Almighty answers the prayers of the faithful, those who are diligently seeking Him. This fact puts severe restrictions on just who the elders should be who anoint the sick. The Father is not pleased with false ministers who pervert the truth. Don't go to them to be anointed when you are sick. What To Do When There is No Faithful Elder What if there is no faithful elder available? You should not show disrespect to your Heavenly Father by calling upon an elder of a false church. Then is there no healing possible? You are not left without prayer for healing! James 5:16 provides an additional course for the sick to take. It says "confess your faults [Greek word for sins, trespasses] one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much." In the context of verse 16 and of verses 14-15, this must refer primarily to physical sins (sickness is primarily the result of sin). So, confess your physical infirmities to other brethren. Pray together. Pray one for the other. Join together in prayer to resolve the issue. A righteous person's prayer, be he elder, apostle, or a common brother, avails much with the Almighty. Verse 16 should be followed in addition to verses 14-15, especially if there is no elder available. Fervent prayer is important. This means earnest, zealous prayer, dynamic prayer of faith, such as that of Elijah, verses 17-18. Sometimes the prayer of faith takes patience and perseverance, James 5:7-13. Results are promised, Luke 11:1-13. So, even if your are not an ordained elder, you may, and should, fervently pray for others to be healed. Anointed Cloths? Acts 19:11-12 has been used to support the practice of sending anointed cloths for healing. These verses say that the Almighty wrought "special miracles [Greek: uncommon miracles] by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them." Notice! In an age of tremendous healings, this was "uncommon," out of the ordinary. It is not a command like James 5:14. Nor is it a substitute when a minister is not nearby or is too busy to come. Acts 19 shows what an extraordinary miracle the Eternal worked through Paul, and no one else. It says nothing here or elsewhere about anointing the cloth. It would be wrong to castigate those sincere brethren who have received an anointed cloth instead of an anointing from a man they respect as a true minister. I have personally received anointed cloths from time to time and have been healed as a result of the prayer of faith. This method is traditional rather than based upon a "thou shalt" scriptural command. An anointed cloth should never be used as a substitute when the ministers are able to come personally to anoint the sick. Positive Preventive Action Laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and the prayer of faith, are all part of dealing with the sick. But there must also be positive action. Some ministers will not anoint you unless you have gone to a doctor first, thus tearing down your faith. Others won't anoint you if you have gone to a doctor. Both are wrong extremes. The responsibility of the elders who are anointing or the brother who is praying with you, is mainly to encourage you. They should help to build up your faith, and if at all possible, help you learn how to keep from getting sick again. Some ministers send you an anointed cloth rather than care enough to take the time to visit. Others rush off right after an anointing when you need someone to comfort you and help build up your faith. They should help you learn what physical sin you may have committed, so that you don't repeat the same mistake, and can get well and stay that way. This is what James 5:19-20 (Living Bible) means: "Dear brothers, if anyone has slipped away from God and no longer trusts the Lord [as for healing], and someone helps him understand the Truth again [that God does heal], that person who brings him back to God will have saved a wandering soul from death, bringing about the forgiveness of his many sins." It is my sincere hope that your faith will be strengthened by the Almighty. That you will never forget that He is the Yahweh -- Healer, Exodus 15:26. Remember always: the prayer of faith shall save the sick!ê Healing Article "I would like to commend you on your article concerning the need for trusting in God for healing. It's true that many people have lost faith in God's healing powers. When people lose faith they are really in a bad way. Unfortunately they are turning more and more to man for all of their needs. People seem to think that man has more wisdom and power than God, but they are due for a rude awakening. God is still in control, and all things are possible with God." J.S., Arkansas What is the Gift of Healing? There is much talk today about healing revivals, and healing ministries. Stories of miraculous healings appear frequently in sermons and articles. Evangelists, who claim to have the gift of healing, exercise their "gift" in front of large crowds and TV cameras -- often whipping up the enthusiasm of the crowd by chanting phrases such as, "Jesus heals! Jesus heals!" While some healers claim absolute power over disease, others admit that the success rate is closer to 60%. Now if a man claiming to be a prophet of God had a 60% accuracy rate, we would give him little credence. But what about one who claims the gift of healing with a 60% success rate? Does he really have the gift of healing? What is the gift of healing? Jesus' Exercise of the Gift of Healing Jesus was the ultimate faith healer. By studying His healing ministry and His teachings, we can learn a great deal about the gift of healing. Here are some observations about His healings. (1) There is no record of Jesus praying publicly for the healing of anyone. He simply touched the sick or commanded healing. Sometimes Jesus instructed the sick person to do something. On various occasions, lepers were sent to the priests; blind men were told to wash, etc. But in most cases Jesus commanded healing. He simply dispensed the power of God, which had been delegated to Him. Notice the following examples: Jesus said to a man with leprosy, "Be clean!" The results were instantaneous: "Immediately he was cured of leprosy," Matthew 8:3. Jesus said to the centurion, whose servant was paralyzed, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would. And his servant was healed at that very hour," Matthew 8:13. When Jesus saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever, "He touched her hand and the fever left her . . . ," Matthew 8:15. One example involving a prayer was that of the raising of Lazarus. But it was not a request; rather, it was a prayer of thanksgiving that His Father always heard him, John 11:41-42. (2) Jesus did not use crowd enthusiasm to induce healings. He did not make a big show of healing. Sometimes He left crowds, in order to heal in private. Often He healed with crowds present, but there is no record of His ever asking them to participate in the healings in any way (to sing, or pray, or raise hands). In Cana, a royal official's son was healed with just a word from Jesus; the son wasn't even present, John 4:50. Jesus sent one blind man to wash in the pool of Siloam where he was healed without benefit of anyone else, John 9:7. A crowd was present at the raising of Lazarus, but if anything, this was a negative factor, John 11:21, 32, 39. At the raising of Jairus' daughter, the people present laughed at Jesus; only the parents were allowed in the room with Jesus and three of His disciples, Luke 8:51. (3) Jesus did not advertise His healings. Often Jesus commanded the person He healed to tell no one: Matthew 8:2-4, 9:27-30, Mark 7:31-37, Luke 5:12-14, 8:49-56. (4) Usually faith was expressed in some way by the person (or parents) requesting a healing, but frequently it was not. No faith is mentioned in the healing of the blind man, John 9:1-7, the raising of Lazarus, John 11:1-49, the raising of the young man of Nain, Luke 7:11-16, or the healing of Peter's mother-in-law, Matthew 8:14-15. But Jesus' faith was always present. In cases when a person's faith was weak ("I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief" Mark 9:24), Jesus' gift of healing was not restricted. However, in general, He healed among those who desired healing and believed that He could heal if He wanted to. There is a reference to His healing miracles being limited. In Nazareth, "He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith," Matthew 13:58. The implication is not that His power was somehow inhibited, but rather that He was not about to display His power to the full in the face of skeptics and doubters, Mark 6:5-6. (5) Jesus never failed at healing. If He said it, it happened! This is perhaps the most important characteristic of the gift of healing. The Apostles, particularly in their early ministry, healed in the same way Jesus did. The crippled beggar at the temple gate was healed without benefit of crowd psychology, without confession of faith, without prayer; Peter and John simply commanded healing, Acts 3:1-7. People were healed when the shadow of Peter passed over them, Acts 5:15. Frequently no faith was evidenced in persons being healed, though sometimes it was, Acts 14:8-9. The Apostles commanded healing with 100% success. They exercised the gift of healing in exactly the same way Jesus had. A Definition of the Gift of Healing Based on the examples of Jesus and the Apostles, I suggest the following definition for the gift of healing: The delegation of God's miracle-working power to an individual, who is given authority to administer it directly. Whatever gift modern "faith healers" have, it differs remarkably from that of Jesus and the Apostles in virtually every respect. Modern healers are only partially successful; they require faith on the part of the sick and blame the sick persons' lack of faith if they are not made well; they frequently do pray for healing rather than command it; and they frequently use crowd psychology to accomplish healings. Their approach doesn't match up with that of Jesus and the Apostles. How Do Modern Faith Healers Heal? If modern healers don't have the gift of healing, as it was exercised by Jesus and the Apostles, how is it that some people are apparently healed through their ministries? It is certainly not my place to judge the sincerity of any who claim to heal. God is their judge and there is no reason for me to pass judgment on them. However, I certainly can judge their methods in comparison to those of Jesus and the Apostles. And I can postulate a number of explanations for their apparent effectiveness, apart from the gift of healing, which I don't believe they have. (1) In His mercy and omnipotence, God can miraculously respond to the prayers and the faith of the sick, in spite of the errors, antics, and mistakes of the faith healer. God is God; He can choose to heal in any way He wants -- in spite of human sin and ignorance. Thank God for His mercy -- because we all come before Him in some degree of ignorance. (2) The faith healer may simply be using the laws of psychology to heal. The mind can cause sickness and the mind can bring about healing, according to laws put in motion by God. These laws are neutral; they work for Christians and non-Christians alike, for hypnotists, doctors, spiritists, witch doctors, psychologists, ministers, and for faith healers, who can be instrumental in unleashing an individual's own powerful mental forces to bring about healing. (3) Deception of two types may be involved. Individuals, caught up in the powerful psychological forces of a healing revival, may really think they are healed and publicly claim a healing -- only to discover later, in the privacy of their own homes, that their illness persists. Follow-up studies of people who have claimed public healings indicate that many "miraculously healed" people do not stay healed. Deliberate fraud can also be used; people feigning illness can be used as plants to feign healing, to "get the ball rolling," so to speak. (4) Satan has great spiritual powers. It is possible that some faith healers can wittingly, or unwittingly, use the powers of evil to effect apparent miracles -- just as spiritists and mediums do. A faith healer could be "healing" through one or more of these four means and not have the gift of healing as exercised by Jesus and the Apostles. How can you know for sure? If he doesn't teach the truth, don't have any part of him, no matter how many people he heals, Isaiah 8:20. If he appears to teach the truth, check him out. Thoroughly investigate the man, his methods and teachings, comparing them with the Bible. Get to know dozens of the people said to have been healed by him. In the final analysis, let God be his judge. Remember that the workers of Satan can often produce lying miracles in an attempt to deceive the very elect, Matthew 24:24, II Thessalonians 2:3-12, Revelation 13:11-14. Miracles, per se, are NOT the proof of a true servant of the Almighty! You can be sure of this -- James 5:14 instructs a sick person to call the elders of the church for anointing and prayer, and that God does heal. You can go to Him in prayer, you can ask others to pray, you can call for the elders of the church for anointing and prayer. This is the general practice prescribed for the church; it is an appeal for God's mercy and is significantly different from the gift of healing. Part of the problem of modern faith healers is that they confuse prayer for healing (which is what they should be doing according to James 5:14) with the gift of healing (which they don't have). This is not to say that God cannot at any time give someone the gift of healing, just as He gave it to Jesus and the Apostles. But if and when He does, that healer will not be dependent on crowd enthusiasm or psychology; and when he commands healing, it will always happen. He will never command healing when it is not God's will to heal that person. Is It Always God's Will to Heal? Many modern healers teach what has been called the "gospel of good health," that it is always God's will for us to be well, that sickness is of the devil, that just as it is God's will to forgive all our sins, it is His will to heal all our sicknesses, Psalms 103:3. Scriptures such as John 14:14, "You may ask Me for anything in my name, and I will do it," and Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for him who believes," are cited to show that all we have to do is believe -- that our healing is already established in the will of God -- all we have to do is claim it. This line of understanding claims that if a person does not experience healing, it is always because he lacks faith -- that he must investigate his life to find secret sins that are preventing him from receiving the healing promised by God. We should examine ourselves, yet realize that it is not always God's will to heal right away. To be sure, the gospel of good health makes some very valid points. It has done much to counteract the erroneous concept that Christians should be poor, sick, and downtrodden, that there is some eternal reward in penury and suffering. But the Scriptures used to support this "gospel" must be understood in the context of other verses such as I John 5:15 ( . . . that if we ask anything according to his will . . . ) and the whole of God's word. The fact of the Bible record is that, for whatever reasons, human beings in every generation, including men of powerful faith, have been sick; and all eventually died! Sickness Experienced by Men of God Elisha, a prophet with a double portion of the spirit, suffered from a disease that eventually took his life, II Kings 13:14. Even after Elisha died, a dead man whose body touched his bones, came to life. In the New Testament are numerous accounts of healings, frequently of non-Christians or of new Christians. Yet there are also a number of references to sickness with no mention of divine healing. The Apostle Paul was denied his petition for removal of his "thorn in the flesh," II Corinthians 12:7-10; he stated ". . . outwardly we are wasting away . . ." II Corinthians 4:16; he also refers to having had an illness that resulted in his preaching to the Galatians, Galatians 4:13-14. Paul's fellow minister, Trophimus, was sick and was left behind -- not healed -- by Paul, II Timothy 4:20. Timothy was encouraged to drink wine for his stomach's sake and for his "frequent illnesses," I Timothy 5:23. Epaphroditis was sick and almost died "for the work of Christ . . . but God had mercy on him," Philippians 2:25-30. Note that in this last example, Epaphroditis' healing is described as an act of God's mercy, not of obligation. From all these examples, it is obvious that even men of powerful faith got sick and were not healed immediately. Some undoubtedly recovered eventually from their sicknesses. Some died from or with their sicknesses! While one could argue that it was because of their lack of faith that they weren't healed, the argument seems rather hollow. Not once were their sicknesses attributed to lack of faith, so it seems rather presumptuous for modern preachers to claim that a lack of healing proves a lack of faith. Are faith healers today aspiring to a faith so much greater than that of Elisha and Paul? Why Does God Allow Sickness? The Bible reveals that God is interested primarily in eternal "good health." He doesn't always heal right away because He uses the sufferings and pain natural to human existence to teach us what is really important. Peter wrote, ". . . while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith . . . may be proved genuine," I Peter 1:6-7. Paul wrote, ". . . we also rejoice in our sufferings, because . . . suffering produces perseverance . . . character . . . hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us," Romans 5:3-5. James wrote, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything," James 1:2-4. See also Romans 8:21-26; I Corinthians 15:42; II Corinthians 4:10-17; 5:2-4; 12:7. Perhaps we can understand the question of God's will on sickness by thinking of how we parents view our children. Certainly we don't want them to be sick or to suffer pain. We want them to see life in positive terms of joy and hope -- not in terms of suffering and pain. On the other hand we recognize that scrapes and bruises are part of growing up -- and that children learn very valuable lessons by experiencing pain. In like manner, God doesn't want us sick and doesn't deliberately cause us to suffer. Yet He has put us in an environment of which pain and suffering, including sickness, are a part -- because He is preparing us for the real life, eternal life, that lies ahead. Conclusion Faith healers generally do not have the gift of healing. They do not follow the example of Christ. Anyone with the gift of healing will heal 100% of the time. The general prescription for New Testament believers is to seek prayer and anointing from the elders of the Church. God's servants sometimes do get sick, not always from a lack of faith or a sin they have committed. We shouldn't have an "I'm-meant-to-be-sick" attitude. Such a negative outlook only consigns us to a life of sickness. Rather we should have an overall expectation of health and wellness -- viewing illness as the exception, not the rule. But when we do get sick and God delays healing, we can know that He is accomplishing in us something far more important than physical health. A healed body will last for a few decades at most. But the love, peace, patience, temperance, and meekness learned through sickness and suffering will last for eternity. God's ultimate will for us is to prepare us for the ultimate healing -- which is living with Him for all eternity in a body that knows no sickness or suffering. -- adapted by Richard C. Nickels, September 1987, from an article by Richard A. Wiedenheft. All quotations are from the NIV translation.ê God Does Heal -- Today! Review: "Does God Heal Today?" by Herbert W. Armstrong. Radio Church of God, Pasadena, California: 1952. Without faith it is impossible to please God. When we get sick or injured, and need the Almighty's healing power, our faith is tested. All too often, we fail the test. Like the disciples, we need the Messiah to "increase our faith," Luke 17:5. "Does God Heal Today?" helps to shore up, to increase, our faith in the Creator to heal us when we are sick. Because of the power of the medical profession (the American Medical Association in particular), trusting God for healing can be a very controversial subject. Few realize that the AMA is one of the most powerful labor unions in the world. As Dr. Robert Mendelsohn has written, modern medicine as a whole, is a powerful religion against God. Armstrong Learns That God Heals -- Today Herbert W. Armstrong learned the lesson of divine healing shortly after he was baptized in 1927. In Chapter 17 of his Autobiography (1967 edition), "Learning Whether God Answers Prayer," Armstrong relates how, through a severe experience and Bible study, that God does heal, today. Mrs. Armstrong had a series of afflictions, and had contracted blood poisoning as a result of a rose thorn. For three days and nights, she was unable to swallow a drop of water or a morsel of food. The doctor told Armstrong she could not last another twenty-four hours. A neighbor lady asked if she could ask a man to come and anoint and pray for his wife's healing. The man answered the Armstrong's questions, from the Bible, and they began to understand, and believe. They knelt in prayer, and as he anointed Loma Armstrong with oil from a vial he carried, "He uttered a quiet, positive, very earnest and believing prayer which was utterly different from any prayer I had ever heard. This man actually dared to talk directly to God, and to tell God what He had PROMISED to do! He quoted the promises of God to heal. He applied them to my wife. He literally held God to what He had promised! . . . You have promised,' he said to God, and you have given us the right to hold you to your promise to heal by the power of your mighty Holy Spirit. I hold you to that promise! We expect to have the answer!' (pages 317-318)." They believed, and Mrs. Armstrong was dramatically healed. Even the doctor was astonished. Further Bible study taught Armstrong that there are two conditions which God imposes: (1) we must keep His commandments, I John 3:22, and (2) we must really BELIEVE, Matthew 9:29 (page 322). When Armstrong later learned that the resurrection of Jesus was not on Sunday, so that the very foundation for Sunday sacredness crumbles, he wanted to share this new truth with the man that anointed his wife for healing. Upon study, this man rejected the Sabbath, for even though he admitted it was Bible truth, he knew it would put him at variance with his own church. Shortly thereafter, Armstrong found this man dejected and depressed. "Brother," he told Armstrong, "something terrible has come over me. God has left me. He doesn't answer my prayers any more. I don't understand what has happened (page 328)." Armstrong knew that when one deliberately, knowingly, from the heart, rejects knowledge, God will reject him, Hosea 4:6. Summary of "Does God Heal Today?" The day of miracles is not past. Hebrews 13:8 and John 14:12 show that Christ will continue to perform miraculous healings, in our day. It is not true that God has changed and works through medical science today. Diving healing began with God's Old Testament Church. Divine healing is a miracle from Almighty God, as a result of believing prayer. The same conditions of obedience and faith for divine healing existed during the Exodus, and still do today, Exodus 15:23-26, I John 3:22. God is our healer, the doctors are not. Any honest doctor will admit that drugs, medicines, or knives cannot heal. Only God can heal! Scripture labels other modes of "healing" IDOLATRY. For centuries, Israel's means of healing was faith in God alone. Later, they departed from God, and turned to heathen methods of medicine. King Asa of Judah forsook God, and sought the physicians instead. He died, II Chronicles 16:13. Herbert Armstrong's son, Garner Ted Armstrong, wrote in a Good News magazine article (June, 1964, pages 4, 22), "To rely on any foods, supplements, medicines, drugs, knives, or even on fasting, for healing (and none of these can, ever have, or ever will heal!) is to break the commandment against idolatry!" Modern medicine originated in paganism. Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, was a pagan deity of medicine. King Ahaziah of Israel fell through a lattice, was injured, and sought Baal-zebub whether he would recover. Elijah rebuked him for not seeking the God of Israel, and told him he would die. So, he died, II Kings 1:1-17. God did not raise up medical science today, and bless it and work through it. The example of Hezekiah in II Kings 20:1-7 again shows that faith and obedience are required for healing from God. (Comment: It also shows that upon seeking God, one should also perform whatever physical therapy is required to assist the healing process. Isaiah told Hezekiah's servants to make a fig poultice to lay on Hezekiah's boil.) It IS God's will to heal; healing is forgiveness of physical sin. Just as God forgives all our iniquities, so will He also heal all our diseases, Psalm 103:2-3. It is God's will to heal, Ephesians 5:17, Luke 5:12-13. Sickness is generally the penalty of violating physical laws of health. Healing is the forgiveness of this kind of sin, removing the penalty for the sin. None but God can forgive sin, so none but God can heal. When Jesus healed, he showed that he was forgiving sin, Luke 5:18-26, Matthew 9:2-8, Mark 2:3-12. Jesus heals because he paid the penalty for our sin, in our stead, John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Matthew 8:16-17, I Peter 2:24. Jesus suffered scourging to pay the price for our physical transgressions, John 19:1. We "break bread" at Passover to symbolize our faith in Christ's body, beaten for our healing. We take the broken bread unworthily, if and when we put our trust in doctors and medicines, instead of in Christ, thus putting another god before Him. See I Corinthians 11:23-30. There is a need for doctors, to help us to prevent sickness and get in harmony with nature's laws. Doctors should concentrate on helping us eat right. Naturopaths and chiropractors are more in line with what doctors should be. Medical doctors, all too often, resort first to drugs and surgery. It is wise to use a doctor to assist in childbirth, setting broken bones, and helping to repair damage. Doctors cannot heal, and often take all of their patient's money, Luke 8:43-48. Healing is out of their line, and doctors should not be looked to in faith for healing.{1} Healing is part of the Gospel Commission, Matthew 9:35; Luke 9:1-2, 10:1, 9; Mark 16:15-18. The New Testament Church believed in, and practiced, faith healing. See Acts 3:1-11, 4:29-31, 5:15-16, 19:11-12; James 5:14-15. We should leave the way and the time to God. God promises to heal you. Accept His promise, stand on the promises, expecting an answer, knowing you will get it. But, leave the "how" and "when" to God in His way and His time. The Scripture cannot be broken! "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth ALL thy diseases!" Opposition to Healing Booklet Of all the religious articles Armstrong has written, it appears that "Does God Heal Today?" has aroused the most opposition and controversy. Some unstable, unbalanced, individuals in the Church, have acted unwisely, drawing unnecessary persecution from medical and legal authorities. Lawsuits against the church, or against families who do not seek medical care for their sick children, have given the doctrine of divine healing a bad name. As a result, the booklet was "killed" about the late 1960's or early 1970's. In some church areas, members were told to burn their copies. An official Interoffice Memo to Regional Directors of the Worldwide Church of God, dated May 30, 1973, states the reason for killing "Does God Heal Today?" was "medical authorities." The is a frank admission that the booklet aroused the ire of the medical profession, because their livelihood was threatened. Rather than continue to boldly proclaim God's Truth, Armstrong gave in to pressure and de-emphasized divine healing. His 1979 booklet, "The Plain Truth About Healing," is a far cry from "Does God Heal Today?" For a review of this newer booklet (revised by Armstrong's successor, Joseph Tkach, in 1987), see the chapter in this series of articles entitled "The Attack Against Healing and Health." Some gleefully rejoiced that the Church had discarded the "heretical" doctrine of divine healing. The 1991 "Statement of Beliefs of the Worldwide Church of God" does not even mention divine healing as an important tenet of faith. We should not throw out the doctrine of divine healing. As Armstrong wrote, If something breaks on my automobile--something that can be fixed back either by myself or a specialist in a garage, I do not just PRAY and DO NOTHING, and expect God to do for me what I can do for myself (page 11, "Does God Heal Today?"). How then, should we properly practice the doctrine of divine healing? A Sound-Minded Approach to Healing God's Church should set forth a high standard for God's people to exercise faith and obedience in God, trusting God for healing. Those who at times do not live up to higher levels of faith should not be browbeaten or put down. The Church's function should be to shore up, to encourage us to have faith in God, and to understand God's laws of health. Church members should seek to obey God and exercise faith in Him. They are responsible, as individuals, to apply the Bible in their own lives, to decide what they will, and will not do, when they are sick. Church members should call for the elders of the church when they are sick. Seek God FIRST, then decide what, if any, physical means should be used. Church members should not trust, or rely upon, medical doctors. They should realize that many doctors are unscrupulous, but should seek and find, if possible, sensible physicians for consultation and advice when necessary. There are a few good doctors, like Luke, today, but they are very hard to find. If you have children, you should be very sensitive to their health situation. Many governments today will put the parents in jail if they do not seek "competent" medical attention when their children are sick. Exercising discretion, yet trusting God and using natural means, is extremely important. Using these sound-minded principles, "Does God Heal Today?" becomes an anchor for our faith in time of need. We recommend the original article be read by every believer. The Legal Issue Today, you can write books and articles advocating homosexuality, bestiality, how to make bombs to kill policemen, etc., and not fear persecution or prosecution. But, if you write in favor of divine healing, or promoting Bible Laws of Health, watch out! Fear of "medical authorities" caused the Worldwide Church of God to kill the free booklet, "Does God Heal Today?" That same fear causes some today to include a "disclaimer" with their religious articles on healing and health. One Sabbath-keeping church prefaced their article with this statement: "The reader should not construe what is written to be specific advice or a course of action to be followed with regard to any health problems." The supposition is, that if someone did interpret the article as medical advice, and consequently died or was harmed, then they or their heirs could successfully sue the church. Crackpots and extremists abound who can do harm to themselves and others by wrongly interpreting almost any teaching. Courts today grant huge settlements for the most ridiculous reasons. "Does God Heal Today?" is balanced, and uplifting, holding up the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in a reverent and respectful manner, shoring up our faith in God. If opposers of God take unwise actions, which are not supported by the article, and then turn and sue, let them. We should trust God for healing, and trust Him to defend us from such wicked lawsuits.ê Write For Your FREE Copy of "Does God Heal Today?" According to an official search of copyright records, "Does God Heal Today?" by Herbert W. Armstrong, was published May 9, 1952, and registered in the name of the Radio Church of God in the United States Copyright Office on December 14, 1955. No renewal was found. Under the law covering this period, the copyright expired 28 years after publication. Therefore, this publication is in the public domain. Further investigation has revealed that "Does God Heal Today?" was first published, without copyright, from Eugene, Oregon in the late 1940's or early 1950's, before the "copyrighted" edition from Pasadena, California, in 1952. Thus, it was in the public domain even before it was supposedly copyrighted. These facts make it doubly clear that re-printing this article is entirely within the law. We encourage you to write for a free copy. Except for spelling out all Bible references, our printing of "Does God Heal Today?" exactly conforms to the original. Write to Giving & Sharing for your free copy of "Does God Heal Today?" by Herbert W. Armstrong. FOOTNOTES******************************** {1} In ancient China, doctors were paid when their patients were kept well, not when they were sick. Believing it was the doctor's job to prevent disease, Chinese doctors often paid the patient if the patient lost his health. When a patient died, a special lantern was hung outside the doctor's house. Too many of these lanterns would certainly hurt business for a doctor.